Centre d’Etude de l’Expression – Jeudi 6 mars 2014 – Bernard Lassus – « Les habitants paysagistes »

page12-1020-fullMesdames, Messieurs, le Centre d’Etude de l’expression a le plaisir de vous convier a la prochaine conférence de Monsieur Bernard Lassus, Architecte Paysagiste et Plasticien.

Le thème choisi sera « Les habitants paysagistes »

La conférence se déroulera de 12h à 13h a l’Amphithéâtre Morel au Centre hospitalier Sainte-Anne
1, rue Cabanis
75014 Paris

Centre d’Etude de l’Expression
Centre hospitalier Sainte Anne
Université Paris Descartes
Musée Singer Polignac
100, rue de la Santé
75014 PARIS

Taking Flight: Art Therapy Research in Prison Part 2


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that your 2014 is off to a great start. In looking forward to the New Year, I am curious to see where this blog takes me and anticipate hearing feedback from all of you.

The previous post summarized a pilot study that began exploring the effectiveness of art therapy in prison. Of course, once you have a pilot, you can take flight—and that’s just what happened.

Remember how I said at the end of the previous post [Please refer to that post here] that the prison’s warden and the Director of Mental Health for the Florida Department of Corrections, Dr. Dean Aufderheide, thought highly of the results of the study? In fact, they were so pleased with the results, that they not only encouraged the follow up study but helped initiate the art therapy student internship program. So, along with grant funding from the Florida State University, the Florida DOC provided support and encouragement. However, certain methodological changes needed to be made.