Art Therapy’s Social Media History

Art Therapy’s Social Media History
The field of art therapy’s social media history is a lot older than you think! I started presenting about art therapy and cyberspace in 1995; I officially started writing about it for publication in 1996 and in 2000, Art Therapy and Computer Technology: A Virtual Studio of Possibilities was published by Jessica Kingsley/London. In Chapters 1 and 3 in that book I compiled what was known about « electronic communication » and art therapists, a precursor to what eventually became known as « social media » in the 21st century. Here are some of those earliest publications for download and use in your own research citations about art therapy, digital communication and and social media. ~~ Cathy Malchiodi, PhD

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Golden Blog Awards 2013 ce soir, à suivre en live streaming

Le grand jour est enfin arrivé ! C’est donc ce soir, dans les salons de l’Hôtel de Ville de Paris que se tiendront les Golden Blog Awards 2013. vous propose de suivre la cérémonie en live streaming. On vous dit tout !