Québec – À propos du programme ESPACE

header-logo-ESPACEÀ un moment ou à un autre de leur vie, les enfants peuvent avoir à affronter différentes formes de violence venant de la part d’un adulte ou d’un pair. Les organismes ESPACE veulent aider les enfants à prévenir ces différentes formes de violence en les outillant, ainsi que les adultes de leur entourage.
L’application du programme ESPACE est un des moyens privilégiés par les organismes ESPACE. Leurs activités sont offertes aux enfants de 3 ans à 12 ans et aux adultes dans différents milieux de vie (écoles, services de garde, organismes de loisirs et de sports, etc.).

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)?

  • TF-CBT is a conjoint child and parent psychotherapy approach for children and adolescents who are experiencing significant emotional and behavioral difficulties related to traumatic life events.
  • It is a components-based treatment model that incorporates trauma-sensitive interventions with cognitive behavioral, family, and humanistic principles and techniques.
  • Children and parents learn new skills to help process thoughts and feelings related to traumatic life events; manage and resolve distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related traumatic life events; and enhance safety, growth, parenting skills, and family communication.

Who is TF-CBT for?

  • TF-CBT has proved successful with children and adolescents (ages 3 to 18) who have significant emotional problems (e.g., symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, fear, anxiety, or depression) related to traumatic life events.
  • This treatment can be used with children and adolescents who have experienced a single trauma or multiple traumas in their life.
  • Children or adolescents experiencing traumatic grief can also benefit from this treatment.
  • TF-CBT can be used with children and adolescents residing in many types of settings, including parental homes, foster care, kinship care, group homes, or residential programs.

How long does TF-CBT typically last?

  • TF-CBT is designed to be a relatively short-term treatment, typically lasting 12 to 16 sessions.  Over 80 percent of traumatized children who receive TF-CBT experience significant improvement after 12 to 16 weeks of treatment.
  • Treatment may be provided for longer periods depending upon individual child and family needs.
  • TF-CBT can be used as part of a larger treatment plan for children with complex difficulties.

Is TF-CBT flexible and can it be adapted for diverse and special populations ?

  • TF-CBT is best delivered by creative, resourceful therapists who have developed close therapeutic alliances with their clients.
  • This treatment is designed to be provided in a flexible and developmentally appropriate manner to address the unique needs of each child and family.
  • It has been evaluated with Caucasian and African American children, and it has been adapted for Latino and hearing-impaired/deaf populations.  It is currently being adapted for Native American children and for children in many other countries (e.g., Zambia, Uganda, South Africa, Pakistan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Cambodia).

Pour aller sur le site de Traumpa-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, cliquez sur l’image.