Échange : le patient d’une tumeur cérébrale utilise l’art comme thérapie

By JERRILYN ZAVADA, The Times Aug 10, 2017

In this July 9, 2017 photo, Jeremy Johnson, bring his art and teaching skills to the Illinois Valley Brain Injury Clubhouse in Streator, Ill. John is a brain tumor survivor and teaches abstract art as a way to get in touch with people’s innate creativity. (Tom Sistak/Ottawa Times via AP)

En ce mois de juillet 9, 2017 la photo, Jeremy Johnson, apporte son art et des compétences d’enseignant au Pavillon des Blessés du Cerveau de Vallée de l’Illinois à Illinois Streator.
John est un survivant d’une tumeur cérébrale et enseigne l’art abstrait comme une façon de se mettre en contact avec la créativité innée des gens. (Tom Sistak/Temps d’Ottawa via AP)

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Creativity Is More Than Just an Outlet

70-642x642by Leigh Anne Naas

Today’s guest blog comes to us from Kirby Shedd, an associate brand manager with Lilly Oncology. Kirby has been in healthcare field for the past 15 years and is a graduate of Indiana University. He lives in Bloomington, IN with his 8 year old daughter.

Cancer is both an emotional and a physical journey for those who face it. While stress, anxiety, and depression can take a toll, creative expression can be an emotionally supportive experience, bringing comfort to those facing cancer and the people around them. This has become such a trend in cancer care that there are a number of ongoing studies in the field dedicated to finding new ways of caring for people living with cancer – these studies move far beyond examining medicines alone.

One area of study is the impact the arts may play in improving healing and quality of life for all those affected by cancer. The impact art therapy has on people touched by cancer is just now being realized. In fact, in 2013, the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine published a review of 27 studies of more than 1,500 people living with cancer and concluded that art therapy has the potential to alleviate symptoms of pain, anxiety, and depression and improve overall quality of life.

I am grateful to be a part of a group with a commitment to discover new ways of caring beyond treatment. In addition to providing an outlet for creative expression through Lilly Oncology on Canvas, Lilly Oncology is committed to raising awareness about the benefits of and supporting programs for those affected by cancer with the goal of helping support healing experiences through creativity in whatever form it takes.

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