4ArTS International Arts Therapies Students Conference – Istanbul – 29 août–1er septembre


4ArTS is an international gathering of around eighty arts therapies students – art therapy, dance movement psychotherapy, music therapy, dramatherapy – from all over the world for an intensive three to four-day conference. This conference takes place once a year in a different country and is organized « by students for students ». The conference offers a well-balanced mixture of experiential workshops run by students and lectures given by established professionals. As arts therapies students we strongly believe in the value of sharing our experiences and engaging in constructive debates about the educational and therapeutic significance of these experiences. It was this belief that lead to the creation of 4ArTS in 2005.

This website has been created to serve as an international and interdisciplinary community for all arts therapies students to build a network, exchange, debate and close the gap between being a student and turning a professional. Help us promote an international arts therapies culture!

We hope you enjoy the website!