10e anniversaire du Master Danse mouvement thérapie à Barcelone en Espagne

This programme trains professionals to practice as art therapists in Spain or in those countries where Art Therapy is a recognised, official regulated profession.
The teaching team of the Master in Art Therapy consists of art therapist professionals trained in Art Therapy at universities in Spain and abroad, and other highly prestigious professionals from the fields of healthcare and education.
The course provides the theoretical background and experience necessary to carry out practical clinics with various collectives of public healthcare and education centres. At the same time, the programme provides the participants with conceptual and technical tools for their future entry into the job market.

Une réflexion au sujet de « 10e anniversaire du Master Danse mouvement thérapie à Barcelone en Espagne »

  1. La musique est sublime entrainante ! certes je ne comprends pas la langue mais rien qu’à approcher le regard des personnages dans cette vidéo et mon ressenti ce n’est que magie.


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